What is Ransomware?

Malware known as ransomware restricts your access to certain data and stops you from using your computer unless you pay a fee. Your data are frequently encrypted by it so they can't be viewed. Ransomware types include CryptoLocker, Locky, Reveton, and CryptoWall.

Malware that poses as a legal program, such as a virus, is frequently used to spread ransomware. Once launched, it might secure your computer and show a "lockscreen" with a statement demanding money in order to unlock it. You might need to pay a fee according to this bogus communication that claims to be from a federal agency like the Bureau or the Department of Defense. It might also be an obvious extortion note informing you that access to your data is being held hostage and that you must pay to get it back. Instructions on how to pay the penalty, frequently using a credit card or Bitcoin, are typically included in the extortion communication. From less than $100 to several thousand dollars are demanded as ransom.

You might be able to use your computer with some malware, but you won't be able to access certain data. A notification or warning window saying that your files are being held for ransom and that you must pay a charge to recover access to them may appear when you attempt to view a file or location that has been protected by the malware.

Managing Ransomware

Preventing malware is the best method to handle it. Avoid downloading or opening unfamiliar files from websites you don't trust. Installing antivirus or internet security software that can identify and get rid of malware dangers before they take over your computer may also be a good idea. This is particularly true if you use Windows because malware frequently targets that operating system.

You have a few choices if malware has infiltrated your device.

  • You can return to a previous stored state before the malware attacked your machine if you have a recent system backup.
  • Look for an Internet security tool that can delete the particular malware that has been placed on your computer and perhaps even unlock your data.
  • (Not advisable) Settle the extortion charge and get in touch with your bank or credit card provider to have the transaction blocked or refunded.

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