What is LED?

LED is short for Light Emitting Diode. This means that it is actually a small electronic semiconductor that converts energy from electricity to light of the visible spectrum. The colors, power efficiency and brightness in an LED are determined by the chemical compound used in the LED.

A standard bulb has a small filament inside. This is the reason for high electricity usage and it degrades over time. LED lights do not have this filament and therefore last longer and consume less electricity.

LED technology is environmentally friendly. It needs less electricity, has better quality, longer life and is colorful.

LED light is actually a chemical process. The semiconductor material is excited and moves, causing light emission. Because it contains a semiconductor, LED light does not get hot like standard bulbs. In the case of LED light, the semiconductor is made of materials whose ability to conduct electricity varies. Electron interaction between the specially designed semiconductor material and the diode causes slight side effect. Additional chemicals are added to produce the specific color. The LED light is also embedded in plastic with the ability to concentrate the light in a defined direction.

In standard bulbs, most of the energy goes into the process of creating the light itself, and the "heat" we feel is wasted energy. LED light does not waste this energy.

In short, LED provides less energy use, better technology, brighter colors and tones. However, as technology advances, LED light takes on a more important role in daily life. Today, many devices work with LED technology. Examples of these are televisions and mobile devices.

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