What is Coaxial Cable?

Coaxial (or "coax") wire is a typical kind of conduit used for long-distance data transmission. Either a conventional or digital information can be carried by it. Coax lines can be used for a variety of things, but they are most frequently used to send cable TV and Internet data.

The coax wires that link your cable box or cable modem to the wall socket are usually thinner and less well protected than the coax cables that travel beneath. A narrow copper wire in the center of the cable, however, is used by all of them to transfer data. A coating of shielding made of non-conductive, or "dielectric," substance encircles this cable. One or more steel barriers are placed on top of the insulating layer to further shelter it from signal disturbance. Lastly, the complete wire is encased in a coating of secure plastic.

Coaxial wires' robust construction makes it possible for them to transmit data over extended distances with little signal deterioration. In many instances, coax lines installed by cable companies decades ago are enough to concurrently deliver Television and high-speed Internet connectivity. Although some coax cables, like RG-59 cables, are made for low bandwidth uses like linking a VCR to a TV, they might not have enough bandwidth to transmit a complete HDTV transmission. For HDTV and broadband Internet access, "RG-6" coax lines are a preferable option.

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