Running Your Unity Project From Any Visual Studio You Want

The following steps are followed to run your Unity project in a script editor of your choice (Visual Studio etc.).

The need for this situation is usually when you have more than one script editor on your computer and Unity Editor does not start the script editor you want by default.

For Unity to start the script editor you want..

  • 1 - Select "Edit" from the menu.
  • 2 - Select "Preferences".
  • 3 - Select "External Tools" from the left menu.
  • 4 - Select the desired "script editor" from the "External Script Editor" feature on the right.
  • 5 - If the "script editor" you want is not in the list, it can be found with "browse".

Note: If "Visual Studio" etc. If an editor is open, it is recommended to close it for it to take effect.

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