C# How To Find The Average Of 10 Numbers Using A While Loop

To find the average of 10 numbers using a while loop in C#, you can follow these steps:

  • Initialize variables to keep track of the sum and count of numbers.
  • Use a while loop to read 10 numbers from the user or any other source.
  • Add each number to the sum and increment the count.
  • After the loop, calculate the average by dividing the sum by the count.

Here's a C# program that demonstrates this:

using System;

class Program
    static void Main()
        int count = 0;   // Initialize count to 0
        double sum = 0;  // Initialize sum to 0

        // Use a while loop to read 10 numbers
        while (count < 10)
            Console.Write("Enter a number: ");
            if (double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out double number))
                sum += number; // Add the number to the sum
                count++;      // Increment the count
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Please enter a valid number.");

        // Calculate the average
        double average = sum / 10;

        // Display the average
        Console.WriteLine($"The average of the 10 numbers is: {average}");

This program will keep prompting the user to enter a number until 10 valid numbers have been entered. It then calculates the average of these numbers and displays it to the user.


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