A registered domain name that is operational but not connected to any particular website is known as a parked domain. Instead, when a person visits a parked domain, a "parked page" is shown. Most...
A virtual IP address, often known as a VIPA, is a public IP address that many Internet-connected devices may share. Each device has a different local IP address internally, but they all use the same..
Online advertising's abbreviation for "Revenue Per 1,000 Impressions" (RPM) is "mille," which in Latin means "one thousand." Compared to CPM, it measures the income from 1,000 ad impressions rather...
In 1993, InterNIC was established to provide services for IP address distribution and domain name registration. Network Solutions and AT&T collaborated on the project, with Network Solutions...
Online marketers often use the word "PPC" to describe an advertising strategy that bases compensation for online advertising on how often users click on an ad. PPC advertisements frequently show up...
Online material streams can be published using RSS using a common XML structure. New stories, blog entries, videos, and other material are immediately distributed to anyone who subscribes to a...
Large-scale content extraction from a webpage is called web crawling. This might entail getting a number of online pages or the whole website. The pages' text alone, all of the HTML, or both the...
A web developer who uses PPS receives a fee for each transaction made as a result of using his website. It is an enhanced CPM strategy that is frequently applied in associate marketing. ..
Within the family of Internet Protocol (IP) protocols, UDP is a data transmission system. A link between two servers is not necessary for the transmission of datagrams using the connectionless...
SSO is an authentication technique that enables users to register into numerous websites or services using a unique piece of registration information. The amount of times a person must check in and...
The screen that appears after you conduct a search using a search engine is known as a SERP. It contains a summary of pertinent search results for the terms or phrases you submitted. The headline...
An example of a DSL internet link is SDSL. It uses copper telephone connections to transmit digital data, similar to ADSL. The definition of "symmetric" states that the capacity used for transfer...
IRC is a program that enables internet communication between users. Individuals link to an IRC server using a client software in a client/server configuration. IRC applications that are widely used...
PPP is a system that permits data transmission and contact between two endpoints, or locations. PPP was the norm for dial-up connections to Providers for a very long time. PPP links increased as...
SMM stands for social media marketing, or marketing carried out on social networking sites. Although the majority of businesses and groups have their own webpages, it can be challenging to contact...
Spoofing is the verb form of prank, ruse, or deception. Consequently, the term "spoofing" in the IT industry alludes to fooling or misleading computer networks or other computer users. This is...
Social networking is the practice of establishing connections with others, frequently through social media platforms, in order to forge new connections and strengthen current ones. People can...
Any unwanted mass communication is referred to as spam. Spam is typically unsolicited email, but it can also be texts, emails, or posts on social media. A spam blocker that automatically identifies...
A static website's online pages contain preset content. Every website has the same information and is written in HTML for all visitors. Static websites are the easiest to create and are the most...
A reciprocal link is one that two webpages share with each other. Website B, for instance, may add a mutual connection back to Website A if Website A connects to Website B. Two websites will...