You can use the Sin() function of the Math class to find the sine value in C#...
You can use the Tan() function of the Math class to find the <b>tangent</b> value in trigonometry in the C# programming language...
The ToLower() method is used if all characters in a string variable in the Visual Basic programming language are to be converted to lowercase...
If we want to get the last character of a string in Visual Basic, we can do it using the Substring() and Length methods...
In Visual Basic, we use the <b>StartsWith()</b> method to determine whether a string starts with the specified character(s). This method, which returns a bool value, has 3 different uses...
If you want to delete an element of an array in Visual Basic, you need to create a copy of that array (the deleted element) and synchronize it to its original state...
In Visual Basic programming language, if we want to convert a string type variable to a Unicode character array, we use the ToCharArray() method...
In Visual Basic, it is necessary to use the Add() method to add an element to the List...
In Visual Basic, the Substring method is used to get a desired part from a string...
You can use the Pow() method of the Math class to get the specified power of a number in the Visual Basic programming language..
The "OSVersion" property of the "Environment" class is used to find out what the operating system is in the Visual Basic programming language...
The DateTime.Now property is used to get the current time in Visual Basic. We can display time in various formats...
In the Visual Basic programming language, we use the Array.Reverse() function to reverse the array, or in other words, to sort the elements in reverse order...
In Visual Basic, the UserName property of the Environment class is used to find the active user name in the current operating system...
In Visual Basic, the MachineName property of the Environment class is used to find the name of the computer on which the program is running...
The sample code for generating random letters in the Visual Basic programming language is given below...
In Visual Basic, if our application is open, we may need to set a check to prevent it from reopening...
Here is an example of randomly shuffling an object of type List in Visual Basic...
Below is an example that gives the sum of even numbers between 1 and 100 (including 100) in the C# programming language...
In C# there are different methods to fetch today's date. Let's examine the examples below..