What is www?

The abbreviation of www is "World Wide Web", which we have all heard and is usually said in front of website names. But is it true that many people think that www and the Internet are the same thing?

Answer is no. The Internet and the World Wide Web are two different things. The Internet is the general name given to the connection formed in the early days for computers (now phones, tablets, televisions and many devices) to basically communicate. For example, you use the internet while chatting with popular messaging applications. You also use the internet when sending an e-mail to or receiving an e-mail from someone. Playing online games and sharing your files are some of the transactions made with the internet.

www (w3) is a service inside the internet. To explain this a little better, let's go back a bit.

The Internet was created in 1969 by the ARPA (Advanced Research Project Agency) (a unit of the US Department of Defense) with a wide network. By the early 1990s, the network had passed from the military to the civilian area, and although it is not as common as it is now, many computers in the world (we are not talking about personal computers) were using this network.

In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee at CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire) (European Center for Nuclear Research) found a new way for people doing scientific studies to easily share data from their experiments. HTTP and the internet already existed, but no one had designed an architecture to connect documents using the internet.

HTTP (Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol) is a protocol used to transmit information (usually on servers) to another location.

In those days there was the network, which we call the "internet". There was a structure that provided data exchange, which we call "http". But there was no language that would appear common to computers all over the world. This is where Tim Berners-Lee invented HTML. This was such a great discovery that it earned him the title "Sir". HTML is the common language in which all websites are written today.

Now the pieces are complete. The World Wide Web, or the web for short, was invented by combining the network connection provided by the Internet with HTTP and HTML. Today, when you look at the name of a site in a web browser, you will see http or https (where s is the abbreviation of secure or secure), followed by :// and then www. If it's not a subdomain, it goes in this order.

For example https://www.yazimders.com

The expression of this actually put into words is this. You have reached the web site software courses via secure http protocol. Your web browser (Chrome, Edge, Mozilla, Opera..) decodes the HTML language and displays the information there on your device.

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