What is Database Manager ?

With the advancement of technology, the increase in trust in computers and database systems ensures that companies need professionals who manage their confidential data securely and well. Database administrators are at the forefront of this job.

Who is the Database Administrator ?

Briefly, Database Administrator (DBA) (Database Administrator) is the person who ensures the smooth, efficient and error-free operation of database systems. Apart from this, it is the job of the database administrator to ensure that the data is secure, that is, to protect the data and prevent data loss.

Database administrators test various functions in databases and try for companies to make maximum use of data. Maintaining the integrity of data is again one of its main tasks. Because even if a database is fast and accessible, the dispersion of this data reduces the usefulness of the database.

Another task of database administrators is to monitor system performance at a high level and ensure that it is sustainable. Online system performance and security is especially important when it comes to e-commerce and companies whose business receives personal and financial customer information.

DBAs can work with a firm's management team to understand firms' data needs and plan out the database's goals. They should also evaluate the information coming from various departments of the companies. Therefore, they can work in communication with other employees, especially with software developers, when necessary.

Duties of Database Administrator with Items

  • Performing database backups
  • Performing database recovery operations
  • Updating and optimizing the Database Management System when necessary
  • To solve the problems that occur in the database server or transfer them to the system administrator when necessary
  • Storage and capacity planning for the database
  • Protecting data against viruses and other types of attacks
  • To ensure the efficient and error-free operation of the database
  • Changing the database structure when needed
  • Prevent data loss

Where Does the Database Manager Work ?

Database administrators have a wide range of work. They can work in any company that has a job with a lot of data. Among these, we can count Internet service providers, data processing companies, companies in the health and insurance sector, companies dealing with e-commerce business, banks and government institutions. In addition, companies that handle and service the data business of many small companies also need database administrators.

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